Registered Number of KAP DIAN UTAMI No. 326/KM.1/2022
Public Accountant Registered Number of Dian Utami, S.E., M.Ak., CLI., CPA No. 132/KM.1/2022
Certificate of Registration of Public Accounting Firm at OJK No. STTD.KAP-12/PM.223/2022
Certificate of Registration of Public Accountant at OJK No. STTD.AP-02/PB.12/2022
Certificate of Registration of Public Accountant at OJK No. STTD.AP-21/NB.122/2022
Certificate of Registration of Public Accountant at OJK No. STTD.AP-23/PM.223/2022
Certificate of Registration of Public Accountant at OJK STTD.APS-11/PM.122/2022
Certificate of CPA No. P-000149
Certificate of CPA (EXPERT) No. 021-CPA(E)-I/2022
Certificate of Liquidator Education Sert. CLI-06.0010 (1)
Certificate of Liquidator Education Sert. CLI-06.0010 (2)
Examiner Level Certificate No. 1120/DPK/KAP/JKT/08/2018
IAPI Membership No Reg. IAPI 5001/ CPA No. P-000149
Registered as a supporting institution for the issuance of commercial paper (CP) 25/110/DPPK/Srt/B
Certificate of Registration of Public Accounting Firm at The Audit Board of The Republic of Indonesia No. 478/STT/VII/2023